Pay for any software you

want… on your terms.

Since the dawn of SaaS, software buyers have been subject to whatever payment terms the seller has set. Not anymore. With Parlay, you get to choose if you want to pay annually, quarterly, or monthly. It’s your cash. You decide how to use it.


The process is simple.

Turn any SaaS contract into monthly payments in 5 easy steps.

1. Select

Decide which software you want to purchase, then negotiate pricing with the seller. 

2. Apply

Once you know how much the software contract will be, apply for Parlay’s monthly pricing option.

3. Upload

After approved, upload your software contract and any required documents the Parlay Portal asks for.

4. Sign

Once all the documents are uploaded, simply review and sign the final service agreement. 

5. Fund

After the contract is signed, Parlay will pay the seller in full and you can begin using your new software.

The Problem

We turn a lose, lose

Companies are hungry for the sophistication, features, and benefits of top-tier software. Unfortunately, rigid payment requirements like annual contracts and high up-front costs, complicate the procurement process. As a result, many businesses are forced into alternative solutions that are either subpar or inadequate. At the end of the day, buyers don’t get the software they need, and software sellers leave money on the table. Nobody wins.