Parlay API Documentation

To get started, please access the API here:

Follow these steps after opening the API link.

Step 1:

Create an application (called opportunity in the documentation) via POST /v1/opportunities/guest if you are using this as an unauthenticated flow. You will be required to include your referral code which can be retrieved from the company page of your parlay account. 

Step 2:

Perform a business lookup with the captured data via POST /v1/business/search.

Step 3:

If a result is found, you can then perform an application check via /v1/business/confirmation. 

You will get a result response from the confirmation. To review the application and status further you will need to log into your parlay account.

Compromise without compromising.

With Parlay you can provide monthly payment options without jeapordizing annual contract terms.